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Item Reviews
Musical Confidence and Superior Value
I purchased an original 'Elliot' 1-3/4" capo in 2006, with the push-button latch and large loop 'wrap around' saddle. The Elliott push button latch has always worked flawlessly. The simple screw and saddle combination offers a precise, infinitely variable adjustment for just the perfectly solid, fretted 'pinch' you need - without pulling you sharp. The thoughtful design, superior materials and sculpted beauty of this capo make holding, operating and playing with it a very satisfying pleasure.
- Gary J Mowery Best Sellers
Guitar Elite
The Elite Guitar Capo features the Elliott push button top bar and the McKinney saddle to keep the capo centered over the fret board. Padded with genuine leather, the seat protects your instrument’s finish.
Occasionally, you will need to replace the tubing on the top bar of your Elliott Capo.
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