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Banjo Capos
Banjo Capos
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Elite Banjo Capo - - - - Please Contact a Dealer
The Elite Banjo Capo features the Elliott push button top bar and the McKinney saddle to keep the capo centered over the fret board. Padded with genuine leather, the seat protects your instrument’s finish.
Elliott Banjo Capo  - - - - -Please Contact a Dealer
The Patented Elliott Banjo Capo features an exclusive quick release “push button” locking top bar system and a unique wrap around saddle design to keep the capo securely centered over the fret board.
McKinney-Elliott Banjo Capo - - - - -Please Contact a Dealer
The McKinney-Elliott Banjo capo features the bail latch top bar and a small saddle with a frame guide and tang. Padded with genuine leather, the saddle seat protects your instrument’s finish.
Made in the USA
Elliott Capos
PO Box 88
Somerville TX 77879
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